Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Photo of the Day March 31st

Monday, March 30, 2009
Photo of the Day March 30th

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Photo of the Day March 29th

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Photo of the Day March 28th

Friday, March 27, 2009
Photo of the Day March 27th

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Photo of the Day March 26th

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Photo of the Day March 25th

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Photo of the Day March 24th

Monday, March 23, 2009
Photo of the Day March 23rd

Photo of the Day March 22nd

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Photo of the Day March 21st

Friday, March 20, 2009
Photo of the Day March 20th
In honour of the first day of spring (and in defiance of the snow on the ground outside) the kids and I pretended to be seeds today. This sort of game is Sophie's favourite - any time she can pretend to be a puppy, kitty, butterfly, bumblebee, character from a movie or anything else we can come up with, she's in heaven! As seeds, we were planted in the ground waiting for spring and as the weather got warmer we would grow up out of the ground and turn into beautiful flowers, stretched up as tall as we could go toward the sun. At some point in the game our friend Rowan decided that flowers should be near something that looked vaguely like a garden, and started "growing" up behind an empty floral-themed wine rack in our dining room... Here he is half-grown, sure to be a giant sunflower in a matter of minutes!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Photo of the Day March 19th

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Photo of the Day March 18th

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Photo of the Day March 17th
It may not be the same blue sky as I saw in the Dominican, but it sure is nice to see that deep blue glowing over the fence around South Secondary School's football field. It seems that the weather is warming up, finally... and we're in for more cloudless days as this week leads us toward the first day of spring.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Photo of the Day March 16th

Photo of the Day March 15th

Photo of the Day March 14th

Photo of the Day March 13th

I have to confess, I'm still quite sick and not really taking many photos as a result. So, in honour of the slightly "spooky" nature of Friday the 13th, I decided to post this interesting shot from last week's Dominican trip... I took it late at night as my mother and I were walking along the Playa Dorada beach, and having forgotten to use my night setting ended up with a very interesting, almost ghost-like image. Seems appropriate for the day!
Photo of the Day March 12th

Photo of the Day March 11th

Photo of the Day March 10th

Time to head for home... normally the bitter-sweet feeling of regretting the end of a vacation while longing to be at home with loved ones once again; this time a nightmare. If you haven't travelled while battling a viscous gastrointestinal illness, I suggest you skip the experience. I give full credit to the wonderful flight attendants at Air Transat, who were kind enough to rearrange our seating so I could be directly next to a bathroom and were constantly offering me cold, wet cloths for my head, gingerale, etc. They even arranged a wheelchair escort from the gate to customs for me so I wouldn't have to make the long haul on foot - angels, every single one of them. When we finally arrived home more than 12 very long hours after leaving that morning, it was so nice to be greeted by the colourful artwork of my sweet daughter Sophie (with help from Daddy, of course) on our front door. It may not have made my stomach feel any better, but it did my heart a world of good.
Photo of the Day March 9th

Photo of the Day March 8th

Photo of the Day March 7th

Photo of the Day March 6th

Photo of the Day March 5th

Photo of the Day March 4th

Photo of the Day March 3rd

Monday, March 2, 2009
Photo of the Day March 2nd
Sophie loves pretending to be different animals, with her current faves being puppies, kitties, fish, birds, and sea turtles. Whenever she's "being" an animal, she likes to pretend to eat the same food they do, but sometimes I'll surprise her by turning her food into the animal she's pretending to be. This afternoon she's being a kitty, so I took some extra time to make her a "kitty peanut butter and honey sandwich" complete with crust whiskers... how cute is that?!?!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Photo of the Day March 1st