It's been a fun, kid-filled day around our house... our friends Rhys and Rowan are here and chock full of energy, so we've been busy, busy, busy. Snapshot of 9am: fogging up the windows and drawing pictures in them. Snapshot of 10am: car races in the dining room. Snapshot of 11am: creative picture-making on the Light Bright. Snapshot of noon: racing coloured marbles down the front stairs (which can get quite competitive, actually). Snapshot of 1pm: stripping everyone of their dirty clothes out on the back porch. Snapshot of 2pm: finishing up lunch and getting ready for naps. Snapshot of 3pm: nap time (for 2 of the 3 anyway)... whew! Snapshot of 4pm: I hear stirring... which means I had better finish up this entry and get ready for more craziness! And since I can't possibly post all those snapshots, here are Sophie and Rhys sharing a laugh during our game of marbles. Those smiles make all the running around on these busy days worth it!
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