You know that old saying "It's Quiet... Too Quiet"?

One of our "house rules" is that Sophie is not allowed to get up and start her day until 7:30am, so if she wakes up and starts calling for us at 7:00, we'll go to her door and remind her that we're not going to let her come out of her room until that magic time. Then we tumble back to bed for a few more minutes of much-needed sleep until she gets bored of playing and starts calling again.
Her room is a nirvana of playthings including a bookshelf full of books, several small toy boxes, about a hundred stuffed animals and her large craft bin, so it's not as though she has to wait around bored for half an hour... and she usually handles it quite well. After this morning's 7:15am wake up call I went back to bed expecting to hear her call again within the normal 20 minutes or so, and was shocked when I woke up all on my own just after 8:30am. I lay in bed listening to the quiet for a few minutes before starting to think "uh oh" (should I have realized something was probably up a bit quicker? Probably. I blame being only half-awake.) She must have heard my footsteps as I scurried off to her room because she called out "HI MOM - LOOK AT MY PAINTING!" from behind her door. Um... painting? I stood outside her room collecting myself for a moment, looking at the drips of paint pouring down between the slats of her door...
After a firm reminder that painting is to be done only on paper and only at the dining room table, Sophie and I spent a while washing the finger paint from her wardrobe, dresser and door. In the process: big apologies to Mommy and an assurance that from now on she will NOT paint without talking to me about it first. In addition to that little artistic experiment, she also found a box of 200 Easter stickers in her craft bin and entertained herself by sticking them all over her room... the entire box of them. When I talked to her about taking them down she explained that she only wanted to make her room look "pretty", and that if we took them off it "would make the furniture sad". After testing to make sure they come off easily (thank goodness for not-so-sticky stickers!) we agreed to leave them up for a couple of days, which is why I managed to capture them as our photo-of-the-day... the paint came off before I had the presence of mind to grab the camera. I wonder if that extra bit of sleep was worth it?

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