After pulling ourselves away from a wonderful visit with Meaghan, Paul, Madeleine and Isabelle (one night is NOT long enough!!!) we made the trip into Ottawa this afternoon for a visit with Chris's Aunt Dorothy. The scenery of the Ottawa River Valley is spectacular (we pulled over a couple of times so I could snap photos), but we got a bit of a surprise in the scenery as well... just as we were pulling away from Petawawa we had to slow the car down to avoid the Black Bear that was standing partially in our lane (!!!!). He meandered off down a hill while Chris and I said "I can't believe we just saw a black bear!!!" about a half-dozen times. That's certainly something we don't have to watch for in London! You know, it's a shame that driving to Ottawa is such a time commitment, because we would love the opportunity to visit more often. We certainly made the most of our time with Dorothy though, enjoying a visit at her lovely home, a nice walk through nearby Little Italy (complete with even more construction. Who would have guessed?), and a wonderful dinner at a Thai restaurant called the Green Papaya. I have to commend Sophie on being just about the best four-year-old on the planet - knowing that I can take her to fancier restaurants without any trepidation is quite a gift. After we enjoyed dinner and got Sophie off to bed we sat around the kitchen table sipping tea and enjoying Dorothy's home made peach cake for dessert - a lovely way to cap of another great day. Tomorrow we'll share breakfast and a bit more visiting time with Dorothy and Willie before heading off to cheer on participants in this weekend's Army Run... the "hit & run" weekend continues!
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