Our friend Rowan poses with two freshly carved jack 'o lanterns before we put them out on the porch for the trick-or-treaters!
Today begins the first of two big Halloween-filled days for us. Sophie was invited to wear her costume to school today so she and her Kindergarten class could have a "Halloween parade" around the school, which culminated in trick-or-treating at the homes of some parents in the area. They were scheduled to come by our place but a downpour half way through their route sent them back to the school and left poor Rowan and I waiting with Jack 'o Lanterns lit and no kids to give candy to. The change in plans didn't seem to phase Sophie though - she was busting with excitement about having paraded through the school and the fact she had a bag of Halloween treats already... I can only imagine what she'll think when she gets to do it again tonight at Storybook Gardens. This will be the third year we've gone to their "Boo in the Park" event, which gives kids the opportunity to make Halloween crafts, do a spell with Prunella the witch, hear a spooky story around a bonfire and go trick-or-treating around the park. Storybook Gardens is a great setting for these kinds of family outings, and their special events have become favourites of ours in the past few years. Two Halloween events in one day, and it's still only October 30th - I have the feeling we'll be all trick-or-treated out by the end of tomorrow!