Happy birthday Angeline!

A wonderful friend of mine who lives in a land far, far away is having a birthday today, so I'm thinking of her and hoping her day is simply fantastic. I'm bummed out that I wasn't able to speak to her on the phone... I went out this morning and bought a new long distance card planning to break it in (or should that be "wear it out"?) on a phone call full of birthday wishes this evening, but for some mysterious reason my calls never connected. The challenge of dealing with international phone lines I suppose... it sure makes the span of distance between Canada and Australia seem even further. Before sitting down to dial (and dial, and dial, and dial) I broke out an article of clothing I was hoping not to have to use for another month or two... my flannel PJ's. If my post from yesterday didn't fully communicate it, I'm feeling completely unprepared for the appearance of snow in our yard... heck, I'm still wearing flip-flops around the house and my sweaters are quite happily tucked away from last spring! But you can't fight mother nature, so I kept my evening cozy warm by wrapping myself in flannel and sipping warm apple cider. I'll wait for another day to warm my heart with a telephone visit I guess...
Happy Birthday Angeline!