Today was one very active day with our friend Rhys over for a visit... the last time he was here with his little brother Rowan both he and Sophie made it very clear that they would prefer some "alone time" without the little guy along, and today they got their wish. The energy the two of them produce when they're together is unbelievable - I see (and participate in) more running, playing, shrieking and laughing on days when Rhys is over than any other time, and it's such fun to be a part of. Aside from catching snow on our tongues and playing board games (both shown here) we also enjoyed just about the longest game of hide-and-seek ever at 45+ minutes, and pretended to be a whole zoo worth of animals, with puppies and bats being their hands-down favourites. I have the feeling that there are two four-year-olds and one thirty-something-year-old that will be sleeping very well tonight!
It is great that Sophie has someone her own age to play with. And even better I'm sure that he goes home at night so she can have you all to herself at the end of the day.