Merry Christmas Everyone!


Christmas morning, and someone is awfully excited to see that Santa enjoyed the milk and cookies she put out! The best part though? Great Grandpa's story of actually seeing Santa briefly through the window shortly before he jumped in his sleigh and took off into the night sky...



Sophie discovering what was inside the present Santa left by her stocking... the Little Einstein's Rocket!
0How could I settle on just one photo today? Couldn't be done. Although it may seem that our holiday celebrations were limited to the morning opening stockings, our revelry actually went on to my Aunt and Uncle's home where presents were exchanged and a great buffet (the buffet to end all buffets, actually) was nibbled on throughout the day. Present opening is not a quick, hit & run sort of affair in my family... we each take turns (starting with the youngest) opening a single present while the rest of the family watches to see what everyone got. It certainly teaches patience, since with a family our size the present-opening phase of Christmas can take the better part of six hours... and it also means that our Christmas dinner has been relegated to Boxing day so that we can enjoy dinner without the production of several hours of gifts before hand. I was so caught up in the revelry of the day that my camera lay forgotten in my purse until quite late... but suffice it to say that fun was had by all, and many wonderful presents were exchanged. I hope your holidays were as good for you as they were for us!
What a wonderful set of pictures. It brings back memories for sure. I see you still use the wonderful stockings your mother made so many years ago. Way to go Pamela! Way to go Summer!