Sophie shows off our little snow reindeer... if my friend Linda is right, we'll be getting enough snow to build an entire herd of them before the week is out!

Of course I dressed Sophie in black and didn't remember to put on aprons - this is what happens when you accidentally drop a mixing spoon full of flour into a spinning KitchenAid mixer...

The measuring cup (and accompanying flour) went flying after a few nerve-wracking clanks around the mixer... luckily no one was hurt, and the only damage to the mixer is a tiny bit of chipped enamel
Sophie and I enjoyed each other's company today... with Daddy at work and nothing officially on the agenda it was just the two of us, left to decide what we wanted to do. We played outside, doing some shoveling while making snow angels and a very tiny little snow reindeer, cleaned out the garage so there would be room inside to park our car, played with both Sophie's new Go Diego Go Talking Rescue Centre and remote control car, did some housework, started making a dream catcher for above Sophie's bed, and pulled out the KitchenAid mixer for some baking time. We sure know how to fill a day, don't we? The baking was the only thing that I was sure would make our "to do" list, since Sophie woke me up this morning with a request that we make cookies. Aside from the little explosion that happened when a certain someone accidentally dropped a measuring cup into the running mixer while it was running (the resulting mess is shown above) baking a batch of chocolate almond shortbreads was the perfect way to round out our super fun day and provide us with a nice dessert for after dinner. I welcome more days like these whenever I can get them - even with the flying flour!
Days like this one show just how lucky Sophie is to have a mother and active and thoughtful as Summer. Three cheers for Summer. Hip Hip Hooray. Hip Hip Hooray. Hip Hip Hooray