I felt like super-woman today... leaping tall buildings in a single bound. After all the hard work of putting together the newsletter this past weekend I treated myself to a lovely breakfast out with my friend Cheryl, which simply sped by in a rush of conversation and excellent omelettes. After heading home I started working on a small organizational job that's been bugging me for a while - my pantry is home to far too many bags of things from the bulk store that just sit there in their little plastic bags spilling out of the door whenever I open it. I decided to decorate up some of the coffee tins I've been saving so I can use them for helpful, stacking, and quite attractive storage (above). I think they look great, and will make it so much easier for me to find things when I'm looking for them! Tomorrow I plan to tackle the rest of the pantry, but for the rest of today I helped host a planning meeting for the next issue of the newsletter, and shortly after I arrived home I got a call from a representative of the Thames Valley Parent Involvement Council, letting me know that my application to join the organization as a Parent Representative had been accepted. I'm excited to get to know more about not only the Thames Valley District School Board but it's parent engagement focuses, and I think that the more I know and learn in these areas the better I can help serve our school community. In a further effort in that direction, I spent this evening with my School Council Co-Chair at a TVDSB meeting outlining changes to several grant policies as well as the new Food and Beverage policy that will take effect in about a year. There are some big (and very positive) changes afoot in terms of what you can and cannot sell on school property - and although I think Tecumseh is already at the forefront of making healthy choices on our student's behalf, I can still see challenges coming. But what do I actually want to see coming? My pillow at this point - I'm exhausted from all that leaping of tall buildings (or, at least attending of meetings and organizing of pantries!)
What a pretty pantry you will have. I can hardly wait to see it.
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS on your successful application. I'm not sure where the heck you are going to find the time to do that with all the other stuff you do, but you being the organizer you are, I'm sure you will find a time stretcher somewhere in your tool kit and make it happen.