Some of the attendees at Tecumseh's final coffee drop-in of the year. The outdoor setting was a great idea, increasing attendance and really spreading the word about the program
My Grandpa and Sophie make some beautiful music together on the front porch
As the groom-to-be is a big poker player, tournaments were part of the event. My Mom (who's never played before) and Aunt Kathy joined in - and as you can see by the pile of chips they did quite well!

Your friendly neighbourhood jello shooter girl!

The bride-to-be Heather and I celebrate at the Stag & Doe
I have made it to the end of this week, and I am awfully proud of myself for doing so. As you can tell from my past couple of entries, I'm caught up in a vortex of "to do's", and this week presented me with by far the most imperative deadlines. On the school front I helped out at the Early Years Orientation and parent workshop and hosted a very well-attended final Coffee Drop-in of the year outside in the front garden. On the Sophie front, speech therapy started up again, and on the broader family front I needed to complete Heather and Shawn's invitations and reply cards by Thursday night to have them ready to take up to Beaverton with me on Friday. I wasn't in bed before 2am all week, and was up again by shortly after 7am... it was brutal. When I headed off to Beaverton on Friday (Chris had to work and couldn't come with me) I made a lot of stops to splash my face and grab coffee... in fact, my Friday meal plan consisted entirely of 5 cups of coffee and a maple-pecan danish until I arrived safely in Beaverton, settled in, and had a bite of actual dinner. Heather & Shawn's Stag & Doe was on Saturday and before I went I finished up a couple extra touches on the invitations (stamping a floral image on the envelopes - that sort of thing), dropped Sophie off at Sandy's house for babysitting, and then stayed up 'till 4am helping out at the Stag and Doe and with the clean-up afterwards. Did the 4 1/2 hour drive back home on Sunday (again, with lots of stops to splash my face), and skidded into town just in time to share Father's Day dinner with Chris and call my own father to wish him "happy birthday" for the day before, and "happy Father's day" for that day. As I'm sure you can imagine, I fell into bed shortly thereafter and slept like the dead... a week in which you do about two and a half weeks of work will do that to a person!
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