Rowan shows off his climbing skills at Thames Park on a beautiful sunny Tuesday
Sophie goes for a slide with Rowan close on her heals
Getting ready to assemble some of the components of the new student Welcome Package for Tecumseh Public School
Giving new meaning to the phrase "who let the cat out of the bag?"... when our cat George crawled into Sophie's MegaBlocks bag, she zipped it up and started carrying him around, quite pleased with herself!
Progress is being made on the wedding invitations... slowly but surely!
And the scheduling sh*t has officially hit the fan. I worked most of last week on the wedding invitations for Heather & Shawn's wedding, and was dismayed at the fact that I didn't see as large a dent in the "to do" list of their creation as I had hoped... now this week my focus on the invitations came back to bite me in the butt as the other things I had ignored last week suddenly reared their heads. In the space of this week I needed to host a planning meeting for the school newsletter, write a grant application, meet with the school Principal twice, create and send out a set of meeting minutes, attend an Internet Safety workshop, put together (with help, thank goodness) 100 Welcome Packages for new students arriving at the school for orientation next week, run a wine tasting, take Sophie to gymnastics, look after Rowan twice, and donate blood. If you're tired just reading this, imagine being the one doing it! My panic over my lack of progress on the invitations means that most nights after Sophie's asleep I've been pulling my supplies out and cutting, gluing, embossing, measuring, layering and creating deep into the night. What a week... and I know that next week will be just as busy, if not more so. I'm thankful it's June, because I am now counting down to the magical time when school is out for the year and vacation begins... I really need it!
There is an old saying: if you need something done, get a busy person to do it! However, Summer, there is a limit for everyone. Sounds like you have reached yours and then passed it. Glad you got through it all. I know that you did because I'm writing this in July!
Oh, I burned out all right. I was the equivalent of an overloaded paper plate - by the end of it all I was all soggy and collapsed in on myself!