Today was so busy that I actually had to write up an agenda and tape it to the dashboard of the car so Chris and I could keep up with everything we had to do without missing any appointment times... you know you're overbooked when it comes to that! One of our "to do's" was getting both Sophie and Chris to our Optometrist Dr. Shuit for appointments. We don't have any concerns about Sophie's eyesight at this point, but since both Chris and I wear glasses as do each of our parents, we want to be sure to (pardon the pun) keep an eye on her vision. While Chris is an old hand at the testing an Optometrist does, it was Sophie's very first time... we weren't sure if she would be a bit frightened by all the machines so we asked if Chris could have his appointment first while Sophie watched the whole process. It was obviously the way to go because when it was her turn she clearly knew just what to expect and handled it beautifully. Dr. Shuit even commented on how very well behaved she was... way to go Sophie!
That brings back another memory from your childhood. When you had to have a hearing test I wrote a little book about it (since I had been through several myself) and read it to you several nights before you went in. I laughed when the technicians couldn't believe how much you knew, how behaved you were, and how helpful too, just in case they forgot something. hahaha