Say "hello" to my little friend!

A squirrel approaches Sophie to check out the peanut she's offering

The successful handoff!
For a down-home, old fashioned family activity you really can't beat going to Victoria Park and tossing peanuts to the squirrels. It's been something Chris and I have done for years - in fact, we got engaged at the park on an outing that Chris sneakily claimed was to feed the squirrels - and since Sophie's arrival we've been enjoying trips to the park all the more often. On sunny autumn days it's a great excuse to walk around, feel the leaves crunch under your feet, and get up close and personal with a couple furry little friends. The squirrels at Victoria Park are so docile that most of them will come right up and take peanuts from your hand, something that has delighted Sophie since she was first able to hold a peanut steady with her little fingers...
Sophie's little tiny body wouldn't be as intimidating as an adult's, so I sure the squirrels were less frightened.