Sophie suns herself in the wading pool during the JK/SK "Pool Party"

The Little Gym sponsored a contest this week where students were invited to submit a picture of their favourite thing at the gym to win a free day at Little Gym camp this summer - rather than using a pre-printed colouring page Sophie and I decided we could do one better, and I drew a picture for her to colour. That's her favourite teacher "Mr. Dan" helping her balance on the beam, in case you're wondering...
A triumphant moment during her end-of-semester performance at The Little Gym

My artistic daughter took this picture at the Western Fair Farmer's Market on Saturday, showing her view of the market and a very cool chair at the tea shop

An experiment I did when Rhys and Rowan were here - I lined up and labelled about 15 different objects and had them guess which ones would stick to a magnet and which ones wouldn't.
The end of the school year is now just around the corner, and many things are coming to a close as a result... on Monday I hosted the final School Council meeting of the year, Sophie graduated from her class at The Little Gym on Tuesday, and the JK/SK classes had an end-of-year Pool Party on Thursday.
Although it had nothing to do with the end of the school year, we had another "finale" of sorts this week when Chris and I attended an informal goodbye party for both current and former staff of TeleTech, the call centre where we both worked for quite some time. I was a Trainer and Chris worked an assortment of roles from Technical Support to Quality Assurance to Training Assistant - and while we've both been out of that environment for a number of years we certainly made connections that lasted. With the centre closing down at the end of the summer, some of the staff took it upon themselves to plan a party to bring anyone who'd ever worked there together for a blow-out... it was a hoot seeing people in person that I've only bumped into on Facebook since I left six years ago.
As old things come to a close new things begin, and this Thursday evening also brought me to the Thames Valley District School Board for my first meeting as a member of the TVPIC (Thames Valley Parent Involvement Council). It was an opportunity for me to meet the other members of the group, and take part in a presentation and discussion on Mental Health resources in the school system - interesting stuff that I'm sure will educate and challenge me as my time with the group moves forward.
Busy again! Wow, Teletech closed down. That's a sad sign of things to come I think. India, China, etc. will be the places where the call centers will be located. Hmmmm. mayby they need trainers in China Summer. That would be an interesting place to live for a few years.