Our neighbourhood has been a cacophony of noise this summer with road construction, home renovation projects up and down the street and the crazy amounts of digging that Union Gas has done in our yard (we're on the 4th ever-bigger hole they've dug in less than two weeks - I suspect we'll see a hole the size of archaeological dig next) . Our house has added to those buzzing and sawing sounds this week as our garage and the back porch of our house are being re-sided. The garage in particular has been in dire need of help for quite some time, so it was exciting for us to look outside late this afternoon and see a huge amount of progress... it looks like we have a whole new building out there!
Wow! What a difference. Maybe now you can park your car in there without it being insulted. I was surprised the last time I was down and noticed the old Camry was gone. Glad to see it disappear, even though it was a great car while it lasted and got us both through some times when we needed a car.
*Giggles*... yeah, the garage definitely won't "insult" the car any more (love that btw!).
ReplyDeleteThanks to waving goodbye to the Camry we were able to park in the garage last winter, and I'm glad to say we'll be able to do it again this winter... which may start in two weeks if the recent weather is any indication!