The peaches we picked up from the market yesterday are ripe, juicy and ready to eat... but with all of us enjoying them as snacks it was hard to keep enough of them around to make the peach tart we had planned! Luckily I hid a few in a bowl in the fridge, so when Sophie and I started baking this morning she was able to polish off another peach ("quality control", as Chris calls it) without putting too big a dent in our inventory - we had just enough to fill our home-made tart shell. This recipe is interesting because you leave the peaches halved instead of chopping them up, and after an initial baking of just the shell and the peach halves with some sugar, you add a custard-style mixture (Sophie is shown in the smaller picture manning the custard bowl) and bake it again. The hollowed-out peach halves hold the custard nicely as it firms up and turns golden-brown and the crispy crust is reminiscent of a cookie... but most importantly, it's simply delicious. I've posted my recipe here - if you try it please let me know how it turns out!
Our oven dosen't work right now so, I won't even think about baking this yummy looking pie. Sophie is such a happy looking kid! I'm glad you are involving her in all those cooking events. She will learn so much from it, have a nice time with you and many, many happy memories of her childhood.
P.S. I love the idea of an insert picture like that. It adds to the fun for us out here in viewingland.