We're back from our mini-vacation and settling into old routines... unfortunately Chris worked his first of ten night shifts in a row last night, so I anticipate that our "routine" will involve a lot of me sleeping alone at night and trying to keep our house fairly quiet during the day. On the up side, our front porch garden seems to have done well while we were away... Sophie's morning glory was practically out of control when we got home, and I needed to thread it onto three more bamboo stakes just to stop it from taking over our Muskoka chairs. And how exciting: our very first red tomato, and two peppers that have finally graduated from green to crimson! I was disappointed to see that the spot in our yard that Union Gas tore up last week and then filled in isn't doing well - it seems to be sinking, and is deeply cracked in places. I've put the sprinkler on it to see what that might do to help, but I have the feeling there might have been an air pocket underground they didn't catch when filling the hole in last week. The challenges our lawn has gone through this summer, eh?
Look at all of those peppers! Ours are still so tiny I'm not getting excited until I see more action from them. I bet these will taste great.
ReplyDeleteI think it is great that you are getting into growing things (yeah Sophie!). The peppers look great.