Friday, February 12, 2010

Photo of the Day February 10th

You know what I think? I think that when you find yourself in a state of panic over whether you can get to your meditation class on time or not, it's time to reevaluate your lifestyle. That was my situation today, as I rushed through a day of volunteer work, a dress fitting and visit with my mother-in-law, shopping for supplies for the class I'm teaching tomorrow, Sophie's dance/gymnastics class at The Little Gym, picking Chris up from work, my "Pranic Healing and Meditation" class, and parent-teacher interview night. It was all just too much, and something had to give - that something ended up being the meditation class. No matter how I swung it I would have been late and would have to attend without eating dinner first - neither of which would have put me in the calm and reflective state-of-mind necessary to complete the session. So, a readjustment of the schedule resulted in an hour at home to make and eat dinner before heading out to Parent-Teacher interviews, where I snapped the above picture from a Kindergarten door. This week the kids are celebrating the combination of Valentine's Day and their 100th Day in school, which lends itself nicely to the creative project one of the Teachers came up with. Reading that one of the "100 Things We Love..." is "my mom" was a nice way to wrap up a crazy day - for this mom anyway.