Sophie "playing" with her Speech Therapist Suzanne
Sophie just had her last speech therapy appointment of a series at the Thames Valley Children's Centre, so we're going to work on what they call "home program" for the next four months or so before having one final round of one-on-one therapy. In the structure of speech therapy services in London, the entry to Senior Kindergarten marks a transition of care from the Thames Valley Children's Centre to the School Board, which I'm a bit concerned about. We've been so pleased with the therapy that Sophie's gotten through the TVCC, and I really appreciate the length and consistency of the appointments (45 minutes once a week), the fact that I can be involved in each session, and the constant communication I've had with both of Sophie's therapists. While I hope that everything will run smoothly at the school as well, I am concerned that the Speech Pathologist only works at Tecumseh one day a week and has to see every child with speech needs in the stretch of that single day... it's got to be a lot to handle, and I worry that the attention Sophie gets may not be as focused. So I'll do my part to advocate on her behalf - I've already gotten the name and email address of the Speech Pathologist who looks after Tecumseh and I'm going to send her an email introducing myself and telling her a bit about Sophie. I'll ask if I can attend her sessions, and I'll continue working with Sophie at home as well... I'll do whatever I can to help Sophie get the most effective assistance for her speech issues - wish me luck.
Was it Mark Twain who said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get." I'm sure you will be lucky because you have and will continue to work very hard on Sophie's behalf.