My constant companion today...
Truth is, this posting comes almost a week after the 7th... but this has been such a crazy week that it's the first time I've had to sit down and get both my photos and my thoughts down. It was a very busy day, with the Tecumseh P.S. newsletter due to be released in the morning... I took the time for a much needed chat with my Dad in Montreal part way through the day, but aside from that break it was pretty much non-stop computer work from morning through night. The newsletter looks great though - due in large part to the hard work done by my partner Julie today. We make a great team Julie and I... we each bring something different to the formatting/writing/editing table, but share a common love and dedication to our children's school. It's been my pleasure working with her for the past two + years, and I hope the opportunity continues for many years to come!
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