With Teacher Appreciation week going on at Tecumseh, I thought it might be nice for our family to do a little something for the Teachers and Staff... the Home & School group had organized an awesome Mexican themed lunch on Tuesday, so today we prepared a slightly different kind of treat. Sophie and Chris collected and washed up a whole bunch of rocks from around our yard, and then the three of us sat down with acrylic paints and made them look bright and colourful. I painted on some smiles, then took them outside and varnished them... once they were dry Sophie glued googly eyes on them all, and we attached them to little cards that said "You ROCK! Thank you for all you do for Tecumseh!" I thought they were cute, and they reminded me a bit of the Pet Rocks back in the 60's and 70's. We labelled each one with a Teacher or Staff member's name, and Sophie is very excited to help me put them all in the Teacher's mailboxes in the morning. It's a little thing, but I always think a hand crafted gift speaks volumes since it's far easier to buy something than make something. I hope that the school's staff recognize that the effort we put into creating their little pet rock represents just a little of the love and appreciation we feel for their hard work.
I'm sure all of the teachers think that you, Chris and Sophie rock, I sure do!