Turns out there actually ARE some Rogers employees that will fix things - who knew?
I'm going to tell you a story... it's a frustrating one, but one with a happy ending. Two years ago, construction on our street caused a whole lot of wires to be dug up from the road and reburied, including many Rogers Cable wires. For some unknown reason, they didn't finish the job and as a result they left a wire running from a beat-up cable box in the corner of our yard, across our front path, up into our tree, and across the road to another cable box. It looked ridiculous (want to see it? Look up our address on Google Street View!), and worse was a tripping hazard for anyone coming up our front walk. I called and called to have someone look at it, and at first was told that they couldn't fix it because construction was still going on - it would have to wait. Then when our section of the street was done I was told they'd "get right on it", but nothing was done. Last summer I started flagging down Rogers trucks when I saw them in the neighbourhood, and when they stopped I would bring the driver over to my front lawn, show them the wire and ask if they could do anything about it. I got reactions ranging from "I don't understand why that's even there?" to much writing down of information and promises of service that went absolutely nowhere. My patience is shot, and I've been saying out loud that if they don't do something about the wire soon I think I aught to just cut the darned thing down - I bet they would do something about it then. Someone who will remain nameless (and therefore can't possibly be liable for what happened next) overheard my comments and decided to take action... a pair of wire snips, a few sparks and some shocked laughter later the wire was in two in my yard. About 25 minutes after that, even more shocking, the Rogers van shows up to fix it. We figured we might as well mention how long that wire had been down while the technician was here, and at first he didn't believe us - but after looking up a bunch of information he realized we were telling the truth. The result? The final, very long overdue result? The wire is gone (hallelujah!), the delapitated box has been replaced, and I am thrilled. I was asked by both the technician who arrived after the "accidental wire-cutting" and the two shown above who finally fixed the mess whether I was a Rogers customer or not... I did my best to be polite, but really... if it takes 2 years to fix a wire do you really think this is a company I want to give my money to? I think not.
P.S. The wire-snipping culprit is now on the run - they've left town, and I hear they may have even left the province! Boy, next thing you know they'll flee the country and end up in Mexico or something...
What an anarchist that person is! It only goes to show how powerful hockey is in Canada. You stop the game in the middle and people complain. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteRemember that episode of WKRP where Johnny Fever was going on about "The Phone Cops"? I'm sure the Rogers "Cable Cops" are on the job, deploying field agents from their CTU-like command centre in Markham, with a mission profile to "dispatch with EXTREME prejudice..."