Work has begun on the big Earth Day project happening at Tecumseh this Thursday... a whole new "outdoor classroom" is being put in, and to prepare the area for all the tree planting and log burying that's to be done landscapers were on site today. They're taking up the grass and digging down to create a semi-circular area, then building up the back of the semi-circle with soil that will be used for planing three mature Eastern Hemlock trees and a great selection of shrubs. Logs will be installed for seating and throughout the day on Thursday all the students will be invited out to the yard to help put the finishing touches on the area. Bringing more green to the school yard is a great way to celebrate Earth Day and will have a lasting impact on how we use the rear yard going forward... it's pretty exciting to be a part of.
On another note, I have a real affection for the landscaping company doing the work shown above... I often see their trucks around the neighbourhood, their workers clad in pink shirts and bandannas, and they never fail to make me smile. If you can't read the banner on the side of the truck, it's the Dirty Girls Lawn Care company... I wish they had a website for me to link to, because I would support them just for the tongue-in-cheek humour of their name alone!
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