When I picked Sophie up from school today she grabbed my hand and then looked down at my foot and said "Mama - your shoe's untied!" When I looked down I pretty quickly remembered I was wearing Crocks, and Sophie yelled "Happy Fool's Day!"... very funny honey...

Sophie and Grandma make silly "April Fool's" faces at each other
What wasn't an April Fool's joke today was that my mom drove into town for a quick visit and to drop off some Easter goodies for us. It's a long way to come (4+ hours) for just an overnight visit, but when my mom decides she's going to do something you can bet it's going to happen - and we were the lucky recipients of that decision. Once she arrived in the afternoon we settled down on the front porch to enjoy the lovely weather, a great visit and a glass of wine in the sunshine. Now if only I could convince her to stay longer than one night...
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