Something I neglected to mention about our anniversary two days ago were the gifts we exchanged - double-duty gifts actually, as we decided to do our Christmas and anniversary gift exchange on December 31st instead of on the 25th. Christmas is already so eventful without throwing a wedding anniversary into the mix, and we find Sophie gets a bit overwhelmed with the get togethers and gift exchanges - we've always spread her Christmas gifts from mom & dad out over at least several days after Christmas so each present has meaning because it doesn't get lost in the Christmas chaos. This year we enjoyed a smaller just-the-three-of-us Christmas gift exchange on New Year's Eve day, a nice perk of which was that we could combine those two gifts into a single larger one if desired - which Chris did (and I'm oh-so-glad he did!) I gave Chris a home-made gift certificate for the software that he's been wanting for his portable GPS unit along with a boxed set of the first three seasons of an old favourite show, Northern Exposure. And me? I'm currently sitting in bed typing this blog entry on my new anniversary/Christmas present: the lovely Acer Aspire One Netbook shown above. We've been talking about the benefits of having a netbook for quite some time now - as a single PC family with three avid computer users, competition for monitor time can be fierce, and our upcoming family vacation has inspired lots of conversation about emailing and blogging from "on the road". A netbook is the perfect solution for us - smaller and less expensive than a regular laptop, easily portable and quickly networked with our desktop PC for access to all our files, pictures and music. I'm thrilled with my gift - and the icing on the cake was that Chris was even able to get it in red, my favourite colour. I've been playing with it for a couple of days and love my new toy - thanks honey!
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