My sister-in-law Mary and I made a run for the border today... no, not to Taco Bell, but across the river into Port Huron for some shopping. It's a bit early for a formal Christmas shopping trip, but I still arrived at the mall with a little list of things that I knew were on people's Christmas lists, and I was lucky enough to happen across a couple of things that will end up wrapped under the tree this year. The main purpose of the trip was to get new winter boots for both Sophie and myself, and to get more pants for Sophie since most of hers are showing way too much ankle at the moment. She's growing at an astounding rate: pants that fit her like a glove just two months ago are both hard to do up and an inch or two too short. How does that happen so fast? At any rate, I was successful right across the board (or should I say "right across the border"?) and came home with three new pairs of pants, new boots, "mary jane" style shoes and ballet slippers for Sophie, and a couple of much-needed essentials for me. If I can count lunch at the Olive Garden as an "essential", then I really was completely covered (yum!) It's been quite some time since I went on a shopping trip, and I must say it was a blast... I've told Mary that I'm up for another go whenever she is, but with Christmas fast approaching I imagine my focus next time will be on others instead of on Sophie and myself.
I remember the Olive Garden when it was in London. I don't remember their main dishes but I did love their salads. Sounds like a great shopping trip.