Among the many errands I ran today (Sophie's speech therapy, getting our Halloween candy, having Sophie fitted for new ice skates, and picking up supplies to make a Greek salad for dinner) was a stop at a local beading store that's closing down. The London Beadery, tucked away in a business park at the far south end of Wonderland Road, has been a "go-to" destination for crafters and jewelry makers for many years and today was their final day in business. I hoped that I might find some good deals on beads to make some gifts for friends and family this Christmas, and did manage to find a few bargains on some high-quality semi-precious stones as well as some very cool carved beads that will make perfect additions to this years Christmas crackers. Unfortunately even after getting 70% - 90% off most of what I bought, I left the store spending about $20 more than I had budgeted for... I'll blame my little red-headed helper in part, since she wanted to pick out some beads as well and seemed to favour the $3 & $4 charms the most. It will be interesting to see what we're able to make out of all these fun supplies!
I a bead-dazzled by their bead-aciousness.