Happy April Fool's Day everyone!
When I awoke this morning after a not-so-good night's sleep, I looked outside and saw grey... grey sky, wet grey pavement, and grass that's more grey than green. Sigh. I clearly needed something to brighten up my morning (aside from Sophie's smiling face of course), so I pulled out my favourite happy-place mug and filled it to the top with coffee we brought back from our Dominican vacation. As I've mentioned in a previous post, my old friend Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas never fails to make me smile... it's an awesome movie, and there's something about the dark colours and crooked lines of the animation that just make me feel good (odd perhaps, since I think Tim Burton was going more for "quirkily spooky", but whatever...) I think perhaps there's some deeply buried part of me quietly longing to be a goth girl!
If memory serves me correctly one of your hundreds of constume incarnations as a teenager was a goth girl. So, you've been there done that.
Hmmm... I don't remember dressing goth. I do remember my boy george "long braids, mens hat and heavy drag-inspired makeup" phase, my michael jackson "skinny pants, sparkly socks and single glove" stage and my madonna "dress in neon mesh" phase. Gosh, I can't believe I just admitted any of those!